What advice would you give to people considering a career in teaching?
The advice I would give to a new teacher would be to take each day one at a time. A teacher's day in special education can be so busy and usually we have multiple activities going on in the classroom and on our daily "to do" list to complete that it is so important to write everything down to help keep yourself organized. Look at your calendar daily to see what meetings may be coming in the next few weeks to make sure to allow yourself enough time to test kids and write IEP's before they are due. Don't be afraid of the internet! There are so many great ideas that other teachers are blogging about that you may want to try in your classroom.
What's the best thing about teaching?
The best thing about teaching is the kids! Each day is a new adventure and they are always so excited to learn and explore new things. I love to experience activities through their eyes, get excited with them when they understand something new, and listen to them laugh out loud because they are having fun.